Why Choose Us

      ♦  Professional and friendly service

      ♦  Guaranteed response within 24 hours

      ♦  All work is carried out to the very highest of standards

      ♦  All our Pest Controllers are are qualified and trained

      ♦  Dedicated customer service by an assigned Pest Technician

      ♦  Public and product liability insurance

      ♦  Pest Controllers available 7 days a week

      ♦  Operate in line with UK Legislation and Government Guidelines

      ♦  We are conscious of the environment and wildlife

      ♦  Flexible on visits and the time we visit

      ♦  Discreet service

      ♦  Unmarked vehicles

      ♦  Full insurance

      ♦  Use approved products

      ♦  We care about the environment and wildlife and this is

          fundermental to our work.

      ♦  Traditional and natural methods of pest control are used.       

      ♦  Documentation provided.

      ♦  Provide guidance and knowledge.


At Redbridge Environmental Solutions we understand that everyone is protective about their homes,so when unwanted pests arrive we want to help protect your home and give you the peace of mind that they never come back.


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